- 7 Easy Ways to Support Your Recovery 

This is for you if you’re a mum or parent who:
  • Feels like you can’t move on from your experience and may describe this as feeling ‘stuck’
  • Possibly you are experiencing flashbacks, recurrent/intrusive thoughts, easily triggered, numbness, anger, rage, grief, avoidance of people or places, anxiety, hypervigliance, disassociation, insomnia, panic attacks, compulsions, high emotional intensity or struggle to bond with your baby
  • Can’t talk about your experience or can’t stop talking about your experience 
  • May believe that you're broken or there’s something wrong with you

This guide is here to support your emotional and mental recovery where you’ve had a difficult birth or perinatal experience.  

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What you'll learn:

In this guide, you’ll learn about perinatal trauma and why it might be impacting you and seven easy ways to support your recovery.

You’ll learn:

  • What trauma is and why perinatal trauma is different to almost every single other trauma out there 
  • How normal and justified your reactions are to what you’ve been through 
  • Why you can be traumatised by not necessarily have PTSD 
  • 7 Easy Ways to Support Your Recovery, which will mean you can start implementing ways to soothe and support you 
  • To have a clear understanding of how to get the help you need

Using this guide, you will go from feeling helpless, stuck and distressed to clearly understanding why you feel the way that you do, have seven easy ways to support your recovery and have a clear strategy to know how to support yourself going forward.  

This guide supports all birth and perinatal trauma, which includes reproductive trauma (miscarriage, fertility treatment or terminations), pregnancy (hyperemisis, illness, bleeding, threat to pregnancy/baby), the time around your birth or for postnatal trauma (breastfeeding, reflux/colic, postnatal experience, ill health to you or your baby, neonatal unit, early arrival of your baby).

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