In this course you'll develop a pathway to create calm foundations in your life taking you from stressed, anxious and burned out to calm, together and at ease.
with Mind Coach, Tricia Murray
Buy now (£27)

This is for you if you:
- Feel constantly stressed, anxious, frazzled and burned out and like you’re running around at 80 miles an hour, but never getting anywhere
- Can never settle
- Feel uneasy all the time
- Fly off the handle easily
- Don’t calm down after a stressful situation
- Are always attached to your to do list
- Are constantly thinking ahead and rarely enjoy the moment
- Are in a state of hyper-vigilance all the time
- Use your phone obsessively
I’ve been obsessed with the brain since 2011 when I had a nervous breakdown.
My life is busy. I’m self-employed (which is more than a full time job), I have 4 boys (2 are neurodiverse) and a dog. My husband has a very senior job and works full-time and we lead a busy and full life. I’m also what I would call a high-sensitive person and have an addiction to stress.
I have learned so many tools and ways of life over the years to support me to give me the capacity to manage life. I’ve adapted my life so that it’s as calm as it can be and a lot of that has been through taking radical action.
Taking radical action and building solid calm foundations means... I am present with my kids, I rarely shout or lose it, I can keep anxiety at bay, I can achieve so much and work in flow.
This course is a summary of everything I’ve ever learned about calm foundations including the £1000s invested in training and coaching and the thousands of books, podcasts, blogs and talks I’ve read and listened to all condensed into 70 minutes packed training.

This is a course you’ll go back to again and again and again and will continually share bits of it with you friends.

In this course you will develop a clear pathway to creating calm foundations through learning about:
- Supporting yourself to have a healthy nervous system
- Regulation and moving out of stress cycles
- Creating healthy boundaries
- Prioritising sleep and rest
- What you eat and drink
- Cyclical living
- Embracing slow living
This course will change your life and how you see the world and support you to have strong calm foundations.
It’s time to take radical responsibility for your life.
Including taking FULL responsibility for your happiness, fulfilment, circumstances, mental/physical/emotional wellbeing and life.
The session will provide you with useful tools to create change practically and emotionally in your everyday life to support you to have create calm foundations in your life.

About your host:

Hi, I'm Tricia...
I’m a mind coach and business mentor for mental health professionals and mum to 4 boys and a dog.
I care deeply about women living easy, simple and straightforward lives by putting aside all the bullshit that goes on in their heads that stops them and developing self belief and living their purpose.
Buy now (£27)