The mindset revolution for overwhelmed and stressed out mums who want to feel happier, calmer and live life 

Join us

This is for you if you..

  • Feel like a martyr to motherhood and have a large list of never ending relentless jobs
  • Don’t have time for yourself and have no fun
  • Often are emotional, stressed, shouty, lose your shit way too often and like you’re not a nice person to be around
  • Worry that the way you’re feeling is impacting your child/children and your relationships
  • Are fed up feel stuck, overwhelmed and helpless in your situation 
“Motherhood unloaded is the safest of safe places, full of kindness and non-judgmental love, understanding and support. Tricia’s wisdom, knowledge and care has transformed my life and helps me every single day…. Sometimes even without me realising it in the moment (that’s how clever she is!). The safety and honesty of our group support is something you won’t find anywhere else"


Here’s the thing – we are parenting in a way that is not aligned to our current world. We have access to no communities, feeling completely overwhelmed with the amount we have to process and do and are living by standards set by others. All this results in big emotions, stress, anxiety and burn out and this dreading sense of failure.
Our kids are being raised by role models who are martyrs to motherhood: frazzled, shouty, stressed and not much fun to be around.
“Motherhood Unloaded is an amazing, non judgement, inclusive community. Everyone really gets it. Tricia’s teachings on radical self compassion and processing feelings really help me. I’ve really benefited from learning EFT (tapping) particularly with rage and overwhelm. There’s a resource for every issue that I’ve come across. Tricia is a brilliant coach. Very realistic, down to earth and relatable. I’ve never regretted investing working with Tricia. I’ve always had brilliant results."

Imagine if instead you:

  • Gained the confidence to live life your way choosing to do more of what you enjoy and less of what you don’t because you set your own standards and priorities
  • Realised that doing less gives you the time to do more of what’s important meaning you can regain your energy and feel calmer, happier and fulfilled
  • Gave yourself permission to slow down, to say no to things and organise the help and support you need meaning you can connect and have fun with your kids, family and friends
  • Had a community of mums around you who really get it and who see motherhood in the same way as you

Are you ready to step into action and join an epic community of mums who are consciously choosing change?


Here is what you get

  • Access to a growing and evolving digital course with 18 modules, 70 EFT scripts, mindset tools and exercises, 18 EFT/Tapping group recordings and loads more 
  • A weekly self-love letter from me to you to give you one thing to focus on that week to improve your life 
  • An EXTREMELY supportive community group where you can ask for help and amazing support (it's worth joining for this alone - it's not just me)
  • A monthly group tapping the first Monday of each month (sometimes this changes for holidays - no groups in July and August)
  • Regular resource signposting - you’ll be sent regular books, podcasts or videos to watch


The Motherhood Unloaded framework focusses on 4 Pillars: Mindset, Community, Transformation, Radical Self Love. Here's more details about each pillar.

“I love it. It has made such a difference to me. I tap daily. I love the library of resources. I enjoy the group sessions - seeing and hearing other mums experiences and having something for my self care. I have never had such sound advice and support in my life - someone who fully understands the demands of parenting and the feelings and thoughts that come with it. I feel so safe to express my feelings.”

You will:

  • Completely change the way you see motherhood, your role, life, the systems and beliefs you’re living by meaning you can create change by deciding what you want to be part of
  • Building up a mindset of self-belief that you can manage whatever situation that arises because you appreciate how resilient and adaptable you are, meaning you’ll increase your confidence, move away from the internal chatter and you’ll easily let go of control which will in turn improve relationships with your children and partner
  • Improve your communication with your kids, partner and others because you’ll understand what’s going on, how to ask for what you need meaning a happier you and thereby a much happier home
  • Have better boundaries and develop a practice of compassion to yourself and your body meaning you’ll be able to focus on what’s truly important to you
  • Stop the emotional monkeys taking over, giving you improved self-esteem and a much calmer, and happier you
  • Increase your energy! You won’t be as exhausted by those thoughts, feelings and emotions meaning you’ll have the energy and motivation to go for walks/exercise/take the kids out/do things around the house/apply for that job

You’ll notice improvements in all areas of your life including your sleep, wellbeing, confidence, relationships, self-worth, parenting, work and more.

“Motherhood Unloaded is an amazing community which gives access to fantastic resources including the amazing Tricia who is a wonderful coach and a very wise woman! I highly recommend it and can honestly say it has helped me immensely."

And the best thing is, this course is a truly accessible way to work with me for an small investment. What are you waiting for?

“Motherhood Unloaded is an invaluable resource for parenting. It equips you to look after yourself and meet your own needs so you can be the mum/parent/wife/friend/family member you want to be. There's tools and resources most situations, a great community of support and weekly inspiring emails. I use it every day and love seeing the difference in myself and my kids."

Choose your payment option below

The investment is ÂŁ210 spread over 6 months, ÂŁ35 per month or you can save ÂŁ10 by opting to pay in one payment of ÂŁ200.

Motherhood Unloaded

6 monthly payments of ÂŁ35.00 GBP
Motherhood Unloaded

ÂŁ200.00 GBP

“Motherhood Unloaded has created huge, lasting change in my life. I have learned so many tools with which to survive the rollercoaster that is motherhood! Tricia is the most incredible mentor and the group is filled with the kindest, most understanding and supportive women. I really can't recommend it enough!”

Hi, I'm Tricia...

I’m a mum to 4 boys. I know how much ridiculous pressure there is for mums to juggle and do it all and have recovered from my own experience of mental illness in 2011.

I am an Mind Coach and work with women at all stages of motherhood. I set up this group in 2019 when my fourth son was 8 months old. I wanted to build a strong community of mums who had a strong mindset to deal with all the challenges that we face and cut through the negative internal chatter and bullshit beliefs we are fed with about what a good mum is (bye bye: guilt, shame, perfection).

I want to show mums that they can move away from all those negative thoughts and beliefs and instead focus on compassion, empathy, fulfilment, fun and balance with a can do mindset. The group has evolved so much, especially over lockdown, into a beautiful community of fierce, like-minded women who are there for each other.

Motherhood Unloaded is evolving, growing and becoming even better all the time. At the heart of it all, are brilliant women having truthful, vulnerable conversations and building each other up.

Join Motherhood unloaded

Frequently Asked Questions

  • EFT/Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping is a therapy where you tap on various parts of your head, face and body whilst saying specific phrases
  • It is growing in evidence base – there are now over a hundred research papers demonstrating the effectiveness of EFT
  • There are fMRI scans which demonstrate using EFT can actually change the way your brain works
  • It works by stimulating a calm response state through tapping on various acupressure points across your head, face and body
  • The tapping process helps connect the thoughts to the body
  • When we start to think about those issues, we start to link them with the calm response state rather than the stressed state we so often instinctively go to – i.e. you are changing how you are programmed to respond to that trigger/issue – this is called memory reconsolidating
  • It can look a bit funny but don’t let that stop you trying. This is something that could literally change your life by spending 5 minutes doing it daily
  • Studies have shown that EFT, particularly in a group session can reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) by 43%, increase antibodies by 113%, reduce anxiety by 40% and improve happiness by 31% 
I am sick of seeing so many mums weighed down by the responsibility of mothering and all the ridiculous expectations and rules that you are conditioned by.  I want to take that weight off your shoulders so you can see there’s a different way which is lighter, easier and more enjoyable meaning you are the mum and person you want to be. 
The investment is ÂŁ35 per month over 6 months (total ÂŁ210), or you can opt to pay in full making it ÂŁ200.
The group meets at a minimum once a month normally on the 1st Monday of each month on zoom.
You can get a refund if you decide within 48 hours of enrolment that the course is not for you.
Great – email me [email protected].

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