A free online course for overwhelmed and stressed out mums who want to feel happier, calmer and live life as they want to

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This is for you if you..

  • Often feel stressed, anxious and overwhelmed
  • Are fed up feeling exhausted, stressed out or overwhelmed 
  • Have tried mindfulness or meditation and it’s had little/no impact
  • Often are emotional, stressed, shouty, lose your shit way too often and like you’re not a nice person to be around
  • Want a quick and effective fix that you can learn easily
“This last week I have been working on feeling overwhelmed and not knowing why. I have been doing eft in the shower in the morning and before going to bed. I have felt so much calmer!”

Learn how powerful EFT

(Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping)
can be to improve your mood and take control of your thoughts and feelings in literally 5 minutes a day

By learning and integrating 5 mins of EFT into your life each day you may be able to:

  • Quickly shift negative thoughts in 5 mins meaning you’re able to cope with situations much more calmly 
  • Improve your health including reducing your cortisol levels (stress hormones), sleep better and reduce the chaos in your head
  • Improve how you handle all the normal stress of parenting 
  • Get on top of those mindset monkey

Are you ready to learn how to improve your mood and take control of your thoughts and feelings?


Here is what you get:

  • Introduction to EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique
  • 7 EFT Scripts specifically for overwhelmed and stressed out mums
  • 3 Daily EFT Scripts to set up a positive mindset

Doing the course and integrating 5 mins of EFT each day will help you go from frazzled and overwhelmed to having your sh*t together, being calm and happy again

And the best part is that it's free!

Just click through to the offer below and access your free course today!

"I’ve just done the tap along to the overwhelmed video and I honestly can’t believe the difference. At the beginning I scored myself as 8. At the end I scored myself 5. What was interesting though was my head felt different, less weighty."

Hi, I'm Tricia...

I’m a mum to 4 boys. I know how much ridiculous pressure there is for mums to juggle and do it all and have recovered from my own experience of mental illness in 2011.

I am a Mind Coach and work with women at all stages of motherhood. I set up this group in 2019 when my fourth son was 8 months old. I wanted to build a strong community of mums who had a strong mindset to deal with all the challenges that we face and cut through the negative internal chatter and bullshit beliefs we are fed with about what a good mum is (bye bye: guilt, shame, perfection).

I want to show mums that they can move away from all those negative thoughts and beliefs and instead focus on compassion, empathy, fulfilment, fun and balance with a can do mindset. The group has evolved so much, especially over lockdown, into a beautiful community of fierce, like-minded women who are there for each other.

Motherhood Unloaded is evolving, growing and becoming even better all the time. At the heart of it all, are brilliant women having truthful, vulnerable conversations and building each other up.

Access Tapping Into Calm

Frequently Asked Questions

  • EFT/Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping is a therapy where you tap on various parts of your head, face and body whilst saying specific phrases
  • It is growing in evidence base – there are now over a hundred research papers demonstrating the effectiveness of EFT
  • There are fMRI scans which demonstrate using EFT can actually change the way your brain works
  •  It works by stimulating a calm response state through tapping on various acupressure points across your head, face and body
  • The tapping process helps connect the thoughts to the body
  • When we start to think about those issues, we start to link them with the calm response state rather than the stressed state we so often instinctively go to – i.e. you are changing how you are programmed to respond to that trigger/issue – this is called memory reconsolidating
  • It can look a bit funny but don’t let that stop you trying. This is something that could literally change your life by spending 5 minutes doing it daily
  • Studies have shown that EFT, particularly in a group session can reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) by 43%, increase antibodies by 113%, reduce anxiety by 40% and improve happiness by 31%  
It's entirely free!
Great – email me [email protected].